We Chase the Industry
Every week I will be testing and reviewing a new electronic cigarette or e liquid and documenting my travels and trials in vaping. Subscribe to our weekly mailing list, or like us on Facebook. Stay tuned for more from Vapor Chaser or Contact us @ blogvaporchaser@gmail.com
Friday, November 14, 2014
Sunday, August 24, 2014
West Virginia's new vape shop/electronic cigarette store. Full Steam Vapor, Hurricane WV
Ok, So Ive been gone for a while from the blog. For give me I had good reason. I opened a vapor/vape/e cig shop in WV. Full Steam Vapor is your one stop shop for e cigs, mech mods, rebuildable atomizers, some amazing eliquid/ejuice from of the countries best vendors, not to mention our knowledgeable staff with more experience than any other local shop.
Their ready to help you make the switch from smoke to vapor, drop those nasty cigarettes and get into an ecig that will help you make the transition. or help set up your first mechanical mod and rebuildable atty. Looking to roll some major clouds? NO ONE rolls bigger than we do. #TEAMFULLSTEAM can help you work on your cloud chasing with the hardware and know how to get you on top of your game.
3999 Teays Valley Rd
Hurricane WV 25526

Bridging the gap between Charleston and Huntington West Virginia, Full Steam Vapor is in the Teays Valley area and just a short distance from interstate 77.
Products and Prices/ Hardware
I have spent 5 years in the vape business working behind the scenes with everyone from small vendors to large manufactures. We carry the most reliable brands from Kanger, Innokin, Smok, and Aspire to the best 1/1 clones from Tobecco, Hcigar, Infinite, and EHpro. Not to mention our connection to some of the best authentic mods and atomizers from Innovape, Smok e mountain, Mad Industries, and many many more. Not to mention custom drip tips, batteries, rebuildable supplies, and accessories. We have worked with our vendors and manufacturers to get the best pricing available and even with retail prices we manage to stay competitive with most major online retailers after you pay shipping and wait 3-5 days
WE DONT CARRY CHEAP FASTTECH PRODUCTS. (except a couple drip tips and ceramic tweezers)
We currently carry some of the nations best brands from Hybrid Creations, Boosted Ejuice, Lazarus Vintage, Cloud Chasers Inc, Castros Flavors, Infamous and your own house line. We are constantly trying new flavors, and we sell at vendor minimum prices, so no gouging here.
Contact US
Instagram @teamfullsteam
So in short, Thank you all for your support over the past 5 years, and if your not close enough to stop by, look for our store soon at fullsteamvapor.com I will still be doing reviews, builds, and the occasional article but under the #teamfullsteam banner. So as always.....Thank for reading
Friday, April 4, 2014
Hazelnut Heaven from Clever Vape :Review
I got turned on to Clever vape through a subscription
service. They have some great original flavors without having to mix 5 fruits,
3 candies, and 2 beverage flavors. No blood, tear, poop, sauce, or hype, just
real flavors their own unique touch. Im vaping Hazelnut Heaven, described as “
“It is 18 mg nic with the optional flavor boost. Im dripping
on a 2.5 ohm bridgeless atomizer on a standard 3.7 volt battery. So here we
Flavor, First hit. Nutty. It is a really bold true hazelnut
without the oily after taste. Hazelnut is usually associated with coffee
flavors or maybe even Nutella, but this is more of an actual hazel-NUT taste. There
is a slight bitterness to the hazelnut like a medium roast coffee. As the
flavor settles in it gets creamier with the milk chocolate but keeps the bold nuttiness. The chocolate taste is get seems more semi sweet than milk due to the rich hazelnut. The creamy chocolate keeps it from being an overpowering flavor, without it the flavor would be more
like black coffee. So while the creamy semi sweet taste is definitely an under
tone it really adds a balance to this flavor. The inhale is where you get the
bold nutty taste. As it starts to hit your throat the bold fades to creamy and
subtle on the exhale, and finished with a smooth after taste with a slightly
sweet creamy blend with the hazelnut.
Throat hit. For 18mg it is a noticeable hit, not really a
hard hit but a 7 out of 10. 10 being hard enough to make you cough. Savory
nutty flavors are often paired with tobaccos because of the rich taste and the
added oomph to the throat hit.
Aroma. The smell always adds to the flavor or experience of
vaping the flavor. This will definitely put you in a coffee house state of
mind. It’s a warm comforting smell that really accents the flavor
Overall, Personally Id like it sweeter but its a savory
flavor. This is what I call a gateway flavor because I would have liked it when
I was a smoker. It’s not a too sweet vape, it’s got a strong smooth flavor, and
it hits really smooth. You’ll never find a vape that taste just like a
cigarette, so finding something that satisfies like one is really nice. All of that
aside, for vapers that like a smooth, slightly bitter, slightly sweet with a
rich authentic nut flavor clever vape has unique flavor all their own in
Hazelnut Heaven. Thanks for reading
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Bean Me Up by Clevervape, Review
Another bottle of goodness from the Zamplebox, Clevervape Bean Me Up. Clevervape describes it as "This
java creation will surely get your day started right. Bold espresso
beans blended with undertones of Tahitian vanilla and warm snickerdoodle
cookies will have you wishing you were back at Grandma's house." Ive recently started reviewing eliquids on a RDA (rebuildable dripping atomizer) with cotton wick. I feel its the best way to get the most out of a flavor. This bottle is 18mg which is a bit high but lets give it a try.
Flavor, First Hit. Caffe Americano, a good espresso taste not as strong and over powering as straight up espresso. Its got a sweetness through out the vape that really lingers and is almost as strong as the espresso taste. The vanilla is a light background accent, the cinnamon and caramel werent noticeable to me until I started taking slow inhales and exhales looking for it. The snicker-doodle seems to blend in to the light creaminess of the vanilla. The espresso is definitely the body of this vape and the inhale, but unlike a lot of espressos there is no sour note at the end. The vanilla and full sweetness really come out on the exhale with hints of cinnamon and caramel that disappear after a few puffs.
Its a strong coffee/espresso taste with a lot of sweetness and a light creamy vanilla.
Throat hit. Pretty mild, but only because of the strong flavor. The espresso is such a strong flavor it give you more of a hit in that taste buds that the throat
Aroma. Wonderful coffee house scent that really makes a vape more like a hot cup of Java
Overall. Im always impressed with an espresso that doesn't taste sour or burnt. It is a hard flavor to work with but the results when done well are great. Check out Clevervape.com and and another good vape from ZampleBox. Thank you for reading.
Monday, February 10, 2014
FrankenVape by The Standard Vape Review
ZampleBox hooked some of its members with a special bonus bottle of
Frankenvape. I’ve been a fan of The Standard Vape for a while but somehow
had never tried Frankenvape. The makers of Frankenvape describe it as
"Sweet and Tart Kiwi with a smoothing Marsh mellow finish sounds just like
the name of the juice, a freak of the culinary flavor combo world but will sure
be your next all day vape." I usually review juices on a 510 atomizer or a
CE4 but, for some reason I hated the taste of this in a bridgeless 510. I
rewicked my Helio RDA and started dripping. I know this effects the continuity
of the taste for those of you that use CE4s and EVODs but to best describe this
flavor I really had to try it on cotton wick. So I’m vaping Frankenvape 18mg
nic, here we go
Flavor, First Hit. I usually describe the flavor first, but this one really has a "feel" all its own. I get a really sweet taste on the tip of my tongue like sweet southern sweet tea that turns to a mint almost pine effect on the exhale with a really full feeling smoothness. I definitely get the Kiwi right off the bat, but with the marshmallow it is a lot sweeter. The flavor has a quick change up from the fruity kiwi to what I’m calling the mint effect. It is not a menthol or mint vape, its more like a drink with a sprig of mint, like a mojito or mint julep. It just seems like the taste buds perk up as it turns from fruit sweat to creamy marshmallow sweet. The inhale is really sweet and fruity like a sip of juice, the kiwi mixes in with the marshmallow on the exhale and it is like a different flavor as the thick fluffy-ness of the flavor really comes out. After vaping on it for a few minutes straight I really get a creamy kiwi and bubble gum taste.
Throat hit. The creaminess seems to add to the kick. At 18mg on a dripper it has a big kick but overall I would put this at moderate but effective.
Aroma. I love liquids like this, the smell really adds to the experience. It lingers in your nose between vapes and is really nice.
Overall. I hated this on a regular 510 atty, CE4 and an evod. You can’t really do justice to this flavor on anything but an RDA (rebuild-able dripping atomizer) I can’t speak for silica but cotton taste amazing. The Standard Vape is a ZampleBox supplier, and I hope to see more of them in my future deliveries.
Flavor, First Hit. I usually describe the flavor first, but this one really has a "feel" all its own. I get a really sweet taste on the tip of my tongue like sweet southern sweet tea that turns to a mint almost pine effect on the exhale with a really full feeling smoothness. I definitely get the Kiwi right off the bat, but with the marshmallow it is a lot sweeter. The flavor has a quick change up from the fruity kiwi to what I’m calling the mint effect. It is not a menthol or mint vape, its more like a drink with a sprig of mint, like a mojito or mint julep. It just seems like the taste buds perk up as it turns from fruit sweat to creamy marshmallow sweet. The inhale is really sweet and fruity like a sip of juice, the kiwi mixes in with the marshmallow on the exhale and it is like a different flavor as the thick fluffy-ness of the flavor really comes out. After vaping on it for a few minutes straight I really get a creamy kiwi and bubble gum taste.
Throat hit. The creaminess seems to add to the kick. At 18mg on a dripper it has a big kick but overall I would put this at moderate but effective.
Aroma. I love liquids like this, the smell really adds to the experience. It lingers in your nose between vapes and is really nice.
Overall. I hated this on a regular 510 atty, CE4 and an evod. You can’t really do justice to this flavor on anything but an RDA (rebuild-able dripping atomizer) I can’t speak for silica but cotton taste amazing. The Standard Vape is a ZampleBox supplier, and I hope to see more of them in my future deliveries.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
ZampleBox Review and Q and A with Tony
I haven't had time to do a review
for a while, so when I finally started looking for new e juices there was a lot
out there. Usually I check my social media feeds to see what people are raving
over. This time I kept seeing a green box popping up everywhere, Zamplebox. I’m
sure a lot of people have had a juice of the month club idea, but Zamplebox
makes it a reality. So let’s take a look at the basics
First got to www.zamplebox.com
and click on the Request Invitation link. Shortly thereafter you will receive
an email with an invitation code and a link back to the site. Enter the
information and select your plan.
Choose between Gold or Standard,
Gold is 10 bottles of 10ml for 44.99 a month.
Standard is 24.99 for 5 bottles of 10 ml
Nicotine Strength Currently 6mg or 18.
Shipping 4.99 Standard and 8.99 Gold
So I placed my order on the 14th, it
shipped on the 15th and I had it by the 18th. From CA to WV that is pretty
fast. I actually let it sit in the mail box for a while since I wasn't
expecting it that quick. I got the trademark green box, opened it to find some
green tissue paper with 6 bottles in a green felt bag and an advertisement with
discount codes for each juice company in the bag.
ZampleBox has more than a few big
name vendors in its current lineup and is currently still adding more.
- Johnson Creek
- Rocket Fuel Vapes
- Thunderhead Vapor
- Potion Vape
- Alpha Vape Juice
- G2 Vapor
- Clever Vape
- 503 E-Liquid
- Golden Drops
- Awdiv
- Nicquid
This program has its pros and cons
just like any product/service.
It’s a grab bag. You can select 6mg
or 18mg nic, but that’s all the selection you really get. There is no choice of
flavors as of now, or ever flavor profiles such as; tobacco, dessert, fruity.
You get what you get. Con for most, but pro for some. For me I have been vaping
for 5 years as of March. I have tried every basic single flavor I can think of.
I have tried most popular flavors and the similar renditions that come out due
to popularity. From Pluid-ish liquids, Dragon tear, milk, fire, breathe
liquids, Papa Grandpa Cousin Smurf and everyone's version of vanilla custard.
Every once and a while I hear enough buzz about a liquid that I try it, but
finding something truly unique getting harder and harder. Several of the
flavors I tried were a new twist for me. It’s nice to try something new with no
really expectations on what it’s going to taste like. Worst case scenario there
is a Zample Trader group on facebook; Pay it forward threads in many forums,
and your vape friends. Share the love.
For some buying a grab bag of e
liquid for 30$ a month is cutting into their regular vape budget. For 24.99 +
shipping I got one bottle from Clever Vape, at 8.99 The Standard Vape at
7.33, LICK Brand Vapors at 10.00, 503 E Liquid at 12.50, and Alpha
Vape at 12.00. Plus an extra bottle
this month from Thunderhead Vapor at 6.49.
That is 60.31 in e juice
for 24.99 (prices are approximated based on size)
It is a great price but again,
everyone has their own budget to live with. If you can swing it, it’s worth it.
I will have reviews of the E Liquids
I received later, but for now I was very pleased with everything. Some liquids
were better quality than others but they were all of the quality I would order
again. Only one flavor taste like a simple two flavoring mix, the rest were
unique well-crafted flavors. Every bottle has a distinctive quality of its own
to differentiate it from other similar flavors
I was really happy with my first
month, and while writing this I had a few questions. So I shot an email to Tony at
Zample Box and he was kind enough to answer them for me
Thank you for being a
part of ZampleBox! Happy to answer some questions for you:
Q: So why is
Zamplebox invitation only?
A: Yes, we are invitation only right now so that we can handle the demand. It's important we always be able to offer the best price for the best quality. To do this we need to make sure we accommodate everyone we give access to.
A: Yes, we are invitation only right now so that we can handle the demand. It's important we always be able to offer the best price for the best quality. To do this we need to make sure we accommodate everyone we give access to.
Q: I received 6
bottles instead of the regular 5, is that normal?
A: We sometimes include extras like a 6th bottle or a drip tip :). It's more fun. We like having fun :).
Q: How did the
company take shape? Was it hard negotiating with vendors to secure their
A: I, Tony, started
ZampleBox because I found it to be overwhelming how many juice companies there
were. It was so hard to figure out which juices were worth trying. I also found
it to be too expensive to purchase samples from each company. There needed to
be a service which curates the juices and provides them in a fun and
cost-effective way each month... so I built ZampleBox.
It was not too hard to negotiate with vendors. They saw the value and trusted me to help them grow their business. Prior to ZampleBox I have built several businesses and have consulted with companies like Microsoft, Porch.com and more.
It was not too hard to negotiate with vendors. They saw the value and trusted me to help them grow their business. Prior to ZampleBox I have built several businesses and have consulted with companies like Microsoft, Porch.com and more.
Q: Now that the word
has started to spread and you’re over 5000 likes on facebook are vendors
beating down the door to the point you have to pick and choose who to
carry. Or who isn’t up to your standards. Are you targeting the companies you
want to carry?
A: What is not known
is how many juice vendors we turn down. We actually reject about 90% of the
vendors that try to get inside the box. We also just got a new space and are
moving soon :). Expect to see 2014 be the year that the ZampleBox Community
becomes very important to vaping as a lifestyle and as a way to "vet"
the juices that are on the market.
Also, this isn't known, but we just brought on a Chief Operating Officer that has led $1bn+ companies.
Also, this isn't known, but we just brought on a Chief Operating Officer that has led $1bn+ companies.
Q: So what can get
you in or keep you out of the box as a supplier?
A: "We look for
the following when evaluating a juice:
- Flavor, smoothness, throat hit, vapor production
- Packaging. Proper labeling, shrink wrap seal, quality of packaging, dripper top, etc.
- Vendor facility (clean room, lab, etc.)
- Flavor, smoothness, throat hit, vapor production
- Packaging. Proper labeling, shrink wrap seal, quality of packaging, dripper top, etc.
- Vendor facility (clean room, lab, etc.)
We're going to make
vaping more accessible and fun for everyone!"

Great value, great e liquids, easy setup. It’s really pretty basic. As a
reviewer I love having new stuff just shipped to my house, as a longtime vaper
(4 years) it’s a great way to try new high quality flavors without having to
spend an arm and a leg or do anything other than open my mail box. Seriously, it’s
that easy.
Start here
Monday, September 2, 2013
Twist, Spinner, and Winder 6 month Review
In March I decided I wanted to sell my DIY eliquids. After checking out my
options I came to the conclusion that kits were a necessary evil. With the
rapid growth of e cigs and the expansion of the market I saw two extremes; Cig
a like devices like njoy and blu, and mechanical mods. When I convert a smoker
I always go with an ego CE4 kit, so that is where I started looking. I ordered
samples from several major manufacturers. Joyetech, Vision, and Smoktech were
the first companies I contacted. I purchased 20+ kits from each and threw them
in to my regular rotation. I have vaped on one form of ego or another daily for
6 months now. I also gave away more kits than I could count to every type of
vaper I could find that would agree to use one. I kept in touch with them over
the past few months, checking in to see how they were doing and how the
batteries were holding up. Most were new vapers that needed regular attention,
many were current ego users that were thrilled to get a VV device, a few were
current twist/spinner/winder users, and a smaller few were mod users.
I already had a few twists I used on a regular basis so I had an idea what to expect from each device. I broke out the multimeter and tested each device for true voltage. To my surprise all were within 1/10th accurate from 3.2 to 4.8 on a full charge. After a few weeks I could predict to the puff when one would die. I took the batteries to about 10% charge and measured again. Another surprise, they were all still within the same tolerance. I assume that over the past few years manufactures have become aware that if they sell substandard hardware that we "the vaping community" will find out and will steer clear of those products. So performance wise all things were equal.
Look and feel is very similar among all three devices. The biggest difference being the Smoktech Winder as it has a smooth look, glossy finish. I was expecting it to slip out of my hand and be a constant drop hazard. After weeks of use I noticed it was more of a clear coat feel like metallic paint on a car, glossy but micro textured. The coating provides more than enough grip that after the first week I didn’t even notice a difference between the rubberized batteries and the Smoks. I’m not going to bother quoting the exact weight as the difference is so low it is indistinguishable. The twist is about 1/4 inch longer than the spinner or winder but again a minor difference.
So by now I imagine you are wondering "then what are the differences?" Well after 6 months the only big differences come down to wear and tear.
Smoktech Winder:
Pros: The adjustment dial is still firm, the lettering is still legible and I like the texture of the dial. I get about 3 bad low voltage puffs before dies but it still keeps consistent voltage. The finish has a couple nicks but hasn't degraded. The firing button is still firm. I didn’t have one smok battery die yet
Cons: None really just a gripe. The center pin is relatively high. When I switch from evods to Aros the pin is pushed down too far to make contact. This is more because of the length of the evod than a fault of the battery though, and with other smok clearomizers I don’t have this problem
Vision Spinner
Pros: I still get consistent voltage; the finish is still intact with minor flaws. The firing button is still firm
Cons: I had a lot of complaints about the dial becoming loose and making it easy for the dial to move and change voltage when you’re not paying attention. I personally had a couple like this myself. Some complained that their batteries wouldn’t charge after a while, but we found it to be an issue with the chargers. I also had 2 out of 20 that died at 4 and 5 months and would not charge.
Joyetech Twist
Pros: Consistent voltage, firing button is firm, the dial is firm
Cons: The joye had the thinnest coating. I had a lot of nicks and scrapes and the same was true for my testers. I had 3 DOAs. The bottom dial has lost all markings, the smooth and thinness of the dial makes it hard to turn at times for some users.
I would recommend any of these kits for new or current users. The ability to change your voltage and customize your vape to suit your preferences in warmth, and taste is a great feature. Though some held up better than others, all performed great for 6 months. I tried a lot of knock offs along the way and none could match the longevity of these three devices.
I was impressed by Smoktech as they have had some issues in the past with poor quality in batteries. I haven’t had a problem with any of my winders yet.
I was disappointed with Vision, I lover their clearomizers but the dial on a lot of the batteries was loose from the beginning and only got worse by month 6.
Joyetech performed great but wasn’t designed well for long term durability. The finish was a lot thinner than my previous versions and the numbering on the dial was gone in a month of heavy use for me. As always thanks for reading.
I already had a few twists I used on a regular basis so I had an idea what to expect from each device. I broke out the multimeter and tested each device for true voltage. To my surprise all were within 1/10th accurate from 3.2 to 4.8 on a full charge. After a few weeks I could predict to the puff when one would die. I took the batteries to about 10% charge and measured again. Another surprise, they were all still within the same tolerance. I assume that over the past few years manufactures have become aware that if they sell substandard hardware that we "the vaping community" will find out and will steer clear of those products. So performance wise all things were equal.
Look and feel is very similar among all three devices. The biggest difference being the Smoktech Winder as it has a smooth look, glossy finish. I was expecting it to slip out of my hand and be a constant drop hazard. After weeks of use I noticed it was more of a clear coat feel like metallic paint on a car, glossy but micro textured. The coating provides more than enough grip that after the first week I didn’t even notice a difference between the rubberized batteries and the Smoks. I’m not going to bother quoting the exact weight as the difference is so low it is indistinguishable. The twist is about 1/4 inch longer than the spinner or winder but again a minor difference.
So by now I imagine you are wondering "then what are the differences?" Well after 6 months the only big differences come down to wear and tear.
Smoktech Winder:
Pros: The adjustment dial is still firm, the lettering is still legible and I like the texture of the dial. I get about 3 bad low voltage puffs before dies but it still keeps consistent voltage. The finish has a couple nicks but hasn't degraded. The firing button is still firm. I didn’t have one smok battery die yet
Cons: None really just a gripe. The center pin is relatively high. When I switch from evods to Aros the pin is pushed down too far to make contact. This is more because of the length of the evod than a fault of the battery though, and with other smok clearomizers I don’t have this problem
Vision Spinner
Pros: I still get consistent voltage; the finish is still intact with minor flaws. The firing button is still firm
Cons: I had a lot of complaints about the dial becoming loose and making it easy for the dial to move and change voltage when you’re not paying attention. I personally had a couple like this myself. Some complained that their batteries wouldn’t charge after a while, but we found it to be an issue with the chargers. I also had 2 out of 20 that died at 4 and 5 months and would not charge.
Joyetech Twist
Pros: Consistent voltage, firing button is firm, the dial is firm
Cons: The joye had the thinnest coating. I had a lot of nicks and scrapes and the same was true for my testers. I had 3 DOAs. The bottom dial has lost all markings, the smooth and thinness of the dial makes it hard to turn at times for some users.
I would recommend any of these kits for new or current users. The ability to change your voltage and customize your vape to suit your preferences in warmth, and taste is a great feature. Though some held up better than others, all performed great for 6 months. I tried a lot of knock offs along the way and none could match the longevity of these three devices.
I was impressed by Smoktech as they have had some issues in the past with poor quality in batteries. I haven’t had a problem with any of my winders yet.
I was disappointed with Vision, I lover their clearomizers but the dial on a lot of the batteries was loose from the beginning and only got worse by month 6.
Joyetech performed great but wasn’t designed well for long term durability. The finish was a lot thinner than my previous versions and the numbering on the dial was gone in a month of heavy use for me. As always thanks for reading.
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