If you haven’t read any of my other articles, I chain vape.
I am always looking for the best wicking material. The tradeoff for fast
wicking can often be loss of flavor, flooding, and/or having to clean or
replace it on a regular basis. I rebuild coil heads for my smaller devices,
such as Vivi novas, evods, and protanks. Using regular silica I can thin it out
or beef it up to try to get the exact absorbency I want but its time consuming
and tends to break up easily the more you play with it. When I first saw
ekowool the fact it was braided was a big plus in my mind. I checked around and
ordered some 1.5mm and 2mm from www.kidneypuncher.com.
That and I needed some kanathal wire, ribbon wire, silica, mesh, and a couple
other things anyway and it was the only place that had it all in stock.
Ekowool was originally created as in insulator for wiring so
it can stand temperatures of up to 1100C. The braid keeps fraying to a minimum,
and allows for longer life as it doesn’t fall apart as fast under use or cleaning.
In this picture on the left the 1.5mm is a solid braid, the right is the 2mm
hollow and can be used to sleeve SS mesh or SS cable to help with hotspots and
wicking. Some claim it also helps with flavor, others claim it has a slight
flavor but is less detectable than regular silica.
So far I have used both in almost every type of device. I
like the 1.5mm in my Vivi novas, Evods, and some CE4s. It last at least twice as
long for me in those devices. Having the coil hold the edges of the braid from
fraying makes it easy to rinse out and reuse. I have managed to burn it a few
times on a low tank, but as a general rule it’s harder to burn than silica. I
use the 2mm in my rebuild able atomizers. I use it as a sleeve for my SS cable.
Personally for me it gives me a better flavor. I loop it in RSST and it wicks
like a fire hose and really gives me good clouds of vapor. The loop seems to
fray the braid out quicker and I have to rebuild occasionally even if I burn it
clean. Break in time for either seems to be about one tank on both the smaller
and larger devices. Once broken in it wicks perfectly 90% of the time. I might
have to tilt it or take a hard pull but it’s a minor adjustment.
I get great flavor out of these wicks. Its not cotton but
the extended life and without any burning issues is a big advantage. I think I have
re-wicked every device I own. I have it
in my evods and RBAs, over ss mesh and ss cable. I prefer it to silica any day,
but BE SURE TO BOIL IT FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you don’t boil it you’ll get a nasty chemical taste. Thanks to kidney
puncher, and thanks for reading
This is an informative blog by which I have got that info which I really wanted to get. kraken clone
Thanks for the info. Have just started using ekowool; the fact I didn't boil it first probably explains why my kayfun tastes like crap. I have been using ss rope in the RSST and that has been working well, so I will probs try an ekowool build in the aga t just to try it out
Like using this on my RSST. Gives good flavor, does not burn, no dry hit. Vapor could be better but all in all I like it.
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